Check if user has comment on current post

I need to create a condition to check if defined user ( no current
user )
has comment on current post

For that purpose, you can just use get_comments() like so:

$post_id = get_the_ID(); // or just set a specific post ID
$user_id = 444;

// Get the total number of comments by the above user on the above post only.
$comment_count = get_comments( array(
    'post_id' => $post_id,
    'user_id' => $user_id,
    'count'   => true,
) );

if ( $comment_count ) {
    echo "user $user_id has <b>$comment_count comments</b> on post $post_id";
} else {
    echo "user $user_id has not commented on post $post_id";

how can I get array of users ids who have comment in current post

Just like the above example, you can also use get_comments() like so:

$comments = get_comments( array(
    'post_id' => $post_id,
) );

// Get the users who have commented on the above post and store their ID, if any,
// in $commenters.
$commenters = array();
foreach ( $comments as $comm ) {
    if ( $comm->user_id && ! in_array( $comm->user_id, $commenters ) ) {
        $commenters[] = $comm->user_id;

if ( in_array( $user_id, $commenters ) ) {
    .. your code here.
} else ...