Connect to remote database using Localhost install

I think s_ha_dum is in the right track, but I think he got it backwards.

You want to:

  1. develop/design locally
  2. connect to the REMOTE database and work with his content?

You need a remote (staging) installation of WordPress, where the client can create/enter his content.

You need your local WordPress site (localhost) to point to the remote database, to grab the content he is using.

So, you would have your set up for the client to edit – just even with a vanilla WP install. This site would be connected to it’s own database.

Your localhost site would have the REMOTE site’s database credentials, with the DB_HOST set to, or whatever the mySQL path is if it’s accessed another way through your hosting provider.

On your local site, keep the WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME set to localhost. Otherwise, you’ll get redirection loops.

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