Create a post builder skin in a plugin

You cannot insert the do_action() inside the class like that, it’s gonna give you a fatal error.

Instead you could use an array $skins to store all the skin functions (as closures), and the magic method _call() to call them:

class skinclass {

    private $skins = array();

    function __construct() {
        $this->skins = apply_filters( 'add_skin', $this->skins );

    function __call( $name, $post ) {
            return $this->skins[$name]( $post );


As you can see I used apply_filters() to be able to add skins on initializazion, and then the__call is gonna check if the skin exists and, if so, execute it.

So now to add a skin you add a filter that modifies the $skins property:

// add skin1
add_filter( 'add_skin', function( $skins ){
    $skins['skin1'] = function( $post ) {
        $skin1  = '<article class="skin1-holder">';
        $skin1 .= '<h2 class="skin1-title">'. get_the_title() .'</h2>';
        $skin1 .= '<div class="skin1-excerpt">'. get_the_excerpt() .'</div>';
        $skin1 .= '</article>';
        return $skin1;
    return $skins;

// add skin2
add_filter( 'add_skin', function( $skins ){
    $skins['skin2'] = function( $post ) {
        $skin2  = '<article class="skin2-holder">';
        $skin2 .= '<h2 class="skin2-title">'. get_the_title() .'</h2>';
        $skin2 .= '<div class="skin2-excerpt">'. get_the_excerpt() .'</div>';
        $skin2 .= '</article>';
        return $skin2;
    return $skins;

Wait, but what about retrieving the skins list? Well, we can add a method to the class to do that, so inside the class you can add:

function get_skins() {
    return array_keys($this->skins);

Ok so now to use the class you need to get an instance:

$skinObj = new skinclass();

And the rest is very similar to your code:

// get skin function in plugin
$skins = $skinObj->get_skins();
// to output skin in a drop down list
foreach ($skins as $skin_name) {
    echo "$skin_name\n";

// output skin in front end
echo $skinObj->$func( $post );