WordPress Plugin Boilerplate – add_action hook in static “activate” function

The problem is the initialization in WordPress via register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activate_IWCollege_Courses' ); The function was fired on the Activation of a plugin, not more. You must switch to the hook init. For Custom Post types, the init hook is recommended in the codex. Custom post types must be registered during every WordPress initialization.

But the important part flush_rewrite_rules();in your activation method should be run only on activation to rewrite the permalinks. For this function is it right, that it init about the register_activation_hook().

A pseudo example for your problem.

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'example_activate' );
function example_activate() {


add_action( 'init', 'example_register_cpt' );
function example_register_cpt() {

   // All with the goal of:
   // And
   // much more, that run always on WP