create metabox to activate slider

Don’t bother with the checkbox and metabox, that’s limiting:

  • You’re only able to have a single slider, and have to add code for every new slider to add a new checkbox
  • Data gets stored in post meta as a custom field, but querying posts by their post meta is super expensive and slow

So I present, an alternative that’s much, much easier to implement, and far more flexible:

Use a non-hierarchical Slider Taxonomy

This gives you:

  • free archives should you want to expand on your sliders ( optional ofcourse )
  • A free UI
  • Querying posts for the slider is now super super fast. This is faster than a checkbox in a metabox by orders of magnitude
  • The queries scale up as traffic increases and post counts increase. Post meta queries don’t scale
  • A free user interface in the form of a checkbox list ( so it’s technically a metabox with a checkbox, funny how that turns out! )
  • A slider management UI, under posts you’ll get a page where you can see all your sliders, name them, add descriptions, see how many posts they have, delete/add
  • Slider meta! Now you have slider terms, you can add term meta! A term meta for transition style? Transition speed? So many possibilities
  • Posts can now appear in multiple sliders

For example this post appears in a slider named homepage, no prizes for where that slider might appear:

enter image description here

A post can even appear in multiple sliders!

How Do I setup The Taxonomy?

You would call register_taxonomy on the init action, like this:

add_action( 'init', 'create_morteza_slider_tax' );

function create_morteza_slider_tax() {
            'label' => __( 'Sliders' ),
            'hierarchical' => false,
            'public' => false

How Do I fetch the posts for my slider?

You use the taxonomy name as a parameter in the post query:

$query = new WP_Query( [
    'morteza_slider' => 'homepage' // <-- this is all that's needed
] );

Then follow it up with a standard post loop:

// a standard post loop
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    echo 'start slider markup';

    while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        // TODO: output this post as a slide
    echo 'end slider markup';

Making sure to swap out the various bits, e.g. the “start slider markup” gets replaced with whatever your slider library requires to work