How to pass multiple custom fields as shortcode’s parameters

You can do this several different ways. Need to know how you are passing the 1 custom field in your current shortcode.

It seems like you might be doing it like this:

[your_short_code price="how_are_you_setting_this"]

if this is the case then you can just add more attributes like this:

[your_short_code price="how_are_you_setting_this" next_field="set_this_field"]

// From your code above with adjustments.
public function listings( $atts ) {
global $post;
// You can add on to the default atts.
    $atts = shortcode_atts(
            'orderby' => 'date',
            'order'   => 'asc',
            'number'  => '20',
            'price' => '',
            'next_field' =>'',

// Not exactly sure what you are trying to do here.
    $query_args = [
        'post_type'           => $post->post_type,
        'post_status'         => 'publish',
        'meta_key'            => '_al_listing_price',
        'orderby'             => 'meta_value',
        'meta_value'          => $atts['price'],
        'order'               => $atts['order'],                
        'posts_per_page'      => $atts['number'],

    return $this->listing_loop( $query_args, $atts, 'listings' );

Another way of doing it is like this:

// notice that the attribute fields has multiple fields separated by commas.
[your_short_code fields="how_are_you_setting_this,set_next_field,and_set_next"]

If you go with the separated commas then in your shortcode on the php side you will need to do as follows:

// From your code above with adjustments.
    public function listings( $atts ) {
    global $post;
    // You can add on to the default atts.
        $atts = shortcode_atts(
                'orderby' => 'date',
                'order'   => 'asc',
                'number'  => '20',
                'fields' => '',

        // This will make an array out of your comma separated fields.
        $fields = explode( ',', $atts['fields'] );

    // Not exactly sure what you are trying to do here.
        $query_args = [
            'post_type'           => $post->post_type,
            'post_status'         => 'publish',
            'meta_key'            => '_al_listing_price',
            'orderby'             => 'meta_value',
            'meta_value'          => $atts['price'],
            'order'               => $atts['order'],                
            'posts_per_page'      => $atts['number'],

        return $this->listing_loop( $query_args, $atts, 'listings' );

Hope this helps you.