CSS class on last post in loop ( custom query )

I realised that $wp_query doesn’t work for where I had customised the queries with WP_query. This is completely obvious I suppose when you know, but I didn’t, so here is the adjusted code in case it benefits some other amateur! Note that $media_query, $events_query etc are the instances of WP_query which I had created myself on the respective archive pages when I did the custom queries, so you’d need to do your own versions of these using whatever you used for the queries. I say this in case someone thinks these were defined by wordpress and try to copy and paste. ( $wp_query itself on the other hand of course is. )

// Add css class 'last' to last posts in archive query [ used in conjunction with post_class('archive-post') ]
add_filter('post_class', 'last_post_class');
function last_post_class($classes) {
    // Regular Archives
  global $wp_query;
  if(($wp_query->current_post+1) == $wp_query->post_count)
        $classes[] = 'last';

    // Media Archive
    global $media_query;
  if(($media_query->current_post+1) == $media_query->post_count)
        $classes[] = 'last';

    // Events Archive
    global $events_query;
  if(($events_query->current_post+1) == $events_query->post_count)
        $classes[] = 'last';

    // Author Archive
    global $author_query;
  if(($author_query->current_post+1) == $author_query->post_count)
        $classes[] = 'last';

  return $classes;