Custom Post Type page sorts differently on different environments

A php issue retuning different results on 2 or more synced environments (if each env db data is the same and any passed data is the same)… that could be tricky.

The only other thing I noticed is your meta_query arg does not contain a child array containing state_clause and prop_type.

Your code is…

'meta_query' => array(
  'state_clause' => array(
    'key' => 'state', 
    'value' => 'WI'
  'prop_type' => array( 
    'key' => 'property_type'

You might need to wrap both inner meta_query args arrays into another array, see example below…

…and possibly you may need to include a relation argument/key… see the end of the orderby WP_Query docs

'meta_query' => array(
    'state_clause' => array(
      'key' => 'state', 
      'value' => 'WI'
      'prop_type' => array( 
      'key' => 'property_type'
