Custom post type option page template

In order to tackle this, there are few ways in which it could be achieved.

Option One

Using the CPT on it’s own.

When you create a Custom Post Type it comes with the ability to have an archive page. This archive page which is generated by WP automatically pulls in the posts, provided that the standard WP loop is defined in the template. (See this image in order to understand how the template heirarchy in themes works).

For example:

1) Create a new PHP file called archive-cpt-name-here.php

2) Place all HTML, CSS etc for this to display in this file.

3) Then navigate to http://localhost/members/ to see the new template in effect

You can write code to access the CPT in a WP Query and customise the way you want it to display. Take a look at the codex located here in order to work out how to achieve a custom loop. (Note: The custom loop must be created on the archive template to work correctly). Archive templates work similar to page templates in the fact they both require a WP Loop to run.

Option Two

Use the ACF plugin to create an option page.

ACF Option pages aren’t tied into Custom Post Types. They are deisgned to be an easy way to store custom fields in the backend of WP. They are easily accesible by passing the string of options into the function. E.g the_sub_field('field_name', 'options');

For example:

1) Create a new options page using the following:

if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {

    'page_title'    => 'Theme General Settings',
    'menu_title'    => 'Theme Settings',
    'menu_slug'     => 'theme-general-settings',
    'capability'    => 'edit_posts',
    'redirect'      => false


2) Add custom fields to the options page by creating them in the Custom Fields area of WP.

3) Assign the new fields to the options page for them to appear in the WP Backend.

4) Fetch the data on a page template using the_field('field_name', 'options');

A simple setup will include a repeater field, along with sub-fields to store info about the members.

Try looking at the ACF Documentation which can be found here in order to work out how to set this up.

Hope this helps you figure out a way to get this all set up correctly.