I think you can achieve this by using JavaScript. You’ll need to add an event listener that triggers a redirect to the selected URL when the dropdown’s value is changed.
Here’s one possible way of doing it. It’s the quickest way I can think of, and I haven’t tested it yet, but you get the idea. You can further improve on this by using jQuery if you want to.
<label for="films">Films</label>
<select name="films" id="films" onchange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="" disabled selected>Films</option>
$taxonomy = 'films';
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy); // Get all terms of a taxonomy
if ( $terms && !is_wp_error( $terms ) ) : ?>
<?php foreach ( $terms as $term ) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo get_term_link($term->slug, $taxonomy); ?>"><?php echo $term->name; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif;?>