Custom Post Type / Two level deep taxonomy (cat. and subcat.) uri problem (error 404)

After many headaches, I’ve spent days and hours finding a solution. I’ve find a solution for two problems commented above. I hope it helps to someone:

I realized that when I changed Permalink to Plain (wordpress admin > settings > permalink > Plain) and when I click in Breadcrumb link “iluminacion interior” it works OK (no more 404 error page). I tried the same in others subcategory’s archive page and It works OK also. But I want “pretty permarlinks” I don’t want this kind of url: ../?producto=crea-ambientes-interior-acogedores, so I’ve rewritten “/%category%/%postname%.html” in permarlinks > Custom Structure.

So the problem was that servers doesn’t understand “pretty permalinks: /%category%/%postname%.html”, then servers returns 404 error in subcategory’s archives page when WordPress request this kind of url:
To solve the problem I’ve added $newRules in function mmp_rewrite_rules in function.php, so the servers can understand WordPress requests. This is the new function mmp_rewrite_rules
I’ve done the same for the other CPT Proyectos.

This problem was easier to solve. I replace ‘has_archive’ => true, for ‘has_archive’ => ‘productos-decoracion’, in my_custom_post_product() function. ’productos-decoracion’ is the slug for the parent archive page. I do the same with proyectos CPT.

Now parent archive page url will be: …/productos-decoracion, no more …/productos-decoracion/%field%. Now we must create two file named: “archive-producto.php” and “archive-portfolio.php” (archive-CPT NAME.php) to show the content of parent archive pages.
That’s all.