How should I structure complex content hierarchies?

You’ll want a post type of type book, with a custom taxonomy for the publisher series. Use post meta for the books data. The UI will be provided by Core

As a refresher:

  • Things/objects/entities are post types
  • We classify things using taxonomies. If you can filter by X, then X is a taxonomy, e.g. colour, type, size, shape, manufacturer, etc
  • Attributes that aren’t filterable should be post meta, e.g. the attachment ID of a book cover image, the latin name of an animal, addresses. If you ever find yourself having to do a query for all X with a post meta of Y, you probably should have used a taxonomy instead
  • Categories and tags are taxonomies too
  • Posts and pages are post types too

Putting the post type archive for Books underneath a sub page with the URL structure you want will require you to:

  • Have a good understanding of what a custom taxonomy is
  • Understand query variables
  • Be able to implement new rewrite rules
  • List and display lists of taxonomy terms

You can find questions asking how to do these things and their answers on this site ( or ask them yourself )