custom wp_editor does not save the content in plugin settings

Might be possible that your wp_editor is broken!
According to codex you can not use numeric editor ID

may only contain lowercase letters and underscores…hyphens will cause editor to not display properly

Call wp_editor in this way

wp_editor( $nga_textarea_field_1_invalid, 'nga_textarea_field_one' );

textarea_name is not required because by default it is already wp_editor ID.

I am not sure how you are saving the option but in settings API you need to pass the field name with [] for multiple fields with one option key.

wp_editor( $nga_textarea_field_1_invalid, 'nga_textarea_field_one', array( 'textarea_name' => 'plugin_option_name["nga_textarea_field_1"]' ));

Where plugin_option_name is name of the option key which you’ve used in register_setting.