how to save wp_editor html content in options table

echo '<form action="" class="booked-settings-form" method="post">';
$default_content="<p>Mail formate</p>";
$editor_id = 'customerCleanerMail';
wp_editor( $default_content, $editor_id,array('textarea_name' => $option_name,'media_buttons' => false,'editor_height' => 350,'teeny' => true)  );
submit_button('Save', 'primary');   echo '</form>';
if(isset($_POST['customerCleanerMail'])  ){
      $fff=update_option('customerCleanerMail', $var2);

In form section i used wp_editor with his options, wp_editor
work like html editor but when you store these data it not storing
html data. so we found solution how to store html data wpautop() and
htmlentities() both two functions help to store html formated data