difference between git merge origin/master and git pull

fetch, merge, and pull

git fetch and git merge origin/master will fetch & integrate remote changes. Let me explain a common scenario. origin/master is at C. Someone pushed D. You worked on E & F. Note that you will not see D in your local repository until you run git fetch.

A-B-C-E-F < master
     (D) < master on remote

Now you run git fetch. Now you can see D, and origin/master is updated to match the remote repository that it’s tracking.

A-B-C-E-F < master
      D < origin/master, master on remote

Now you run git merge, giving you this:

     \   \
      D---G < master
    origin/master, master on remote

So now you’ve integrated your changes on master (E, F) with the new commits on origin/master (D).

git pull is simply a shortcut for the above steps.

git merge without fetching

Running git merge origin/master without the git fetch is pointless. Without a git fetch, your local repository is unaware of any potential changes on the remote repository and origin/master will not have moved. So you’re at this state, where D is only on the remote and not present locally:

A-B-C-E-F < master
     (D) < master on remote

Since your local repository does not have D, a git merge origin/master will simply yield:

Already up-to-date.

Because hey, as far as your local repository is concerned, master already has everything in origin/master.

What’s best?

None of the above. 🙂

git fetch
git rebase origin/master master

or a shortcut, git pull -r, but personally I prefer to see the changes before I rebase.
This will replay your changes on master (E, F) on top of origin/master (D) without a yucky merge commit. It yields:

A-B-C-D-E'-F' < master
   origin/master, master on remote

Note how everything is in a single line, you’re ready to push, and the history doesn’t look like a friendship bracelet.

One warning – never rebase any commits that have already been pushed. Note that E & F became E’ & F’ after rebasing. The commits are entirely rewritten, with a new SHA and everything. If you rebase commits that are already public, developers will have their history re-written for them when they pull. And that’s awful, and everyone will give you evil eyes and shun you.

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