Please replace $post_type with your post_type in question, e.g. post, page, cpt_slug,…
The function echoing the meta box with the preview button is called post_submit_meta_box
. The condition to show the button is set with the function is_post_type_viewable
. Following that: If the {$post_type}s flags publicly_queryable
or _builtin
and public
are set to true
the preview button will be shown. That means all publicly queryable built-in post types will have that button anyway. For CPTs you can adapt the flags, if you don’t need them publicly queryable.
What if I want to publicly query my $post_type, but don’t want a preview button?
You are out of luck for an easy solution. But there is always a workaround:
- Hide the Button with custom CSS that you load on condition of screens
and your $post_type. - Hide the Button with JS on the same condition.
Remove the meta box and replace it with your own. Here some code to get you started.
function add_custom_submit_box() { $publish_callback_args = null; //TODO: Add revisions support if needed, see wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php Line 219 if needed. remove_meta_box( 'submitdiv', $post_type, 'side'); add_meta_box( 'submitdiv', __( 'Publish' ), 'my_{$post_type}_submit_meta_box', $post_type, 'side', 'core', $publish_callback_args ); } add_action('init','add_custom_submit_box'); function my_{$post_type}_submit_meta_box( $post, $args = array() ) { //TODO: Copy & paste post_submit_meta_box function and adapt to your needs. }