Display Custom Column in CPT Taxonomy

The final working hooks that I was able to work out are:

// adding an extra column to the event_cateogires page
// to display the color
function events_color_column($defaults) {
    $defaults['event_cat_color'] = 'Event Category Color';
    return $defaults;

function events_color_column_content($column_name, $post_ID) {  
    echo 'Event Color : #2432';
add_filter('manage_edit-event_categories_columns', 'events_color_column');
add_action('manage_event_categories_custom_column', 'events_color_column_content', 10, 2);

Using the

if ($column_name == 'event_cat_color') {
       echo 'Event Color : #2432';

didn’t seem to work with this action hook. Removing the conditional, and just echoing things out seems to work.