Display selected image in the MediaPlaceholder component

the interface remains unchanged, as if no image had been selected. How
do I make the image I have selected appear in the editor?

It remains unchanged because we actually need to manually add a preview of the image, just like the core Image block does, and you can check the source on GitHub, but basically, you could just add a simple <img> tag above, below or even inside the MediaPlaceholder element/area.

And here’s an example for the 3rd option, where we need to pass a React component to MediaPlaceholder via the mediaPreview property:

const mediaPreview = !! attributes.imageUrl && (
    <img src={ attributes.imageUrl } />

return (
    <div { ...useBlockProps() }>
            ... your other props
            mediaPreview={ mediaPreview }

Or for images uploaded to the media library, if you want, you can instead display a thumbnail of the image like so, which uses useSelect and getMedia to fetch the image details (from the REST API), and then I’m displaying the medium-sized thumbnail image:

Preview (WordPress v6.0.1):

Preview image

  1. Load useSelect, e.g. add at the top in your file:

    import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
  2. Replace the const mediaPreview = ... part with:

    const { imageUrl, imageId, imageAlt } = attributes;
    const thumbnailUrl = useSelect( select => {
      const image = imageId && select( 'core' ).getMedia( imageId );
      return image && image?.media_details?.sizes?.medium?.source_url || imageUrl;
    }, [ imageId ] );
    const mediaPreview = !! thumbnailUrl && (
            Image URL: { imageUrl }<br />
            Thumbnail URL: { thumbnailUrl }<br />
            <a href={ imageUrl } title={ imageAlt }>
                <img src={ thumbnailUrl } />

    Note: The above [ imageId ] means if the attachment/image ID is changed (e.g. a new image was selected from the media library), then the thumbnailUrl‘s value will also change. Also, if a medium-sized thumbnail isn’t available, then I’m displaying the full-sized image, i.e. imageUrl.

Additional Notes

  1. I’d pass a value to MediaPlaceholder so that the selected image will be pre-selected in the media modal. E.g.

        ... your other props
        value={ { // pass an object!
            id: attributes.imageId,
        } }
  2. You can use a single import declaration to import multiple “module exports” from a module. For example, this imports 3 exports (a hook and 2 components) from the @wordpress/block-editor package:

    import {
    } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
  3. For elements with no content (or no inner text), you can just use the self-closing format like <MediaPlaceholder ... /> and no need for <MediaPlaceholder ...></MediaPlaceholder>.

    You know, just like the img tag where we don’t use <img ...></img> .. 🙂 And thus if you noticed it, my examples actually used that self-closing format.