Display sub categories of a parent product in products – woocommerce [closed]

As a first condition: Have you tried, if you retrieve sub categories at all?

$sub_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', $args2 );
echo '<pre>';print_r( $sub_categories );

If you have sub categories, you would still have a problem with your foreach:

foreach ($sub_categories as $subcat) {
        $sub_categories = $sub_categories.$subcat->name.',';

You are overwriting $sub_categories with the first time, you enter the loop. So, if you would have subcategories you would still have a problem here. Try something like

$i = 0;
foreach ($sub_categories as $subcat){
  if( $i > 0 )
    $text .= ', ';
  $text .= $subcat->name;
  $i = 1;
echo $text;

So, taking your first code into account, this might help:

$parent_categories="" ;

$args = array(
    'number'     => $number,
    'orderby'    => $orderby,
    'order'      => $order,
    'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,
    'include'    => $ids,
    'hierarchical'=> true, 
    'parent'  => 0

$product_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', $args );
foreach( $product_categories as $cat ) {
    if($cat->slug == 'essays') {

        $args2 = array(
            'number'     => $number,
            'orderby'    => $orderby,
            'order'      => $order,
            'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,
            'include'    => $ids,
            'parent'     => $cat->term_id,
            'hierarchical'=> true, 

        $sub_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', $args2 );

        $i = 0;
        if( is_array( $sub_categories ) && count( $sub_categories ) > 0 ){
            foreach ($sub_categories as $subcat){
                if( $i > 0 )
                    $text .= ', ';
                $text .= $subcat->name;
                $i = 1;
            $sub_categories; = $text;
        } else {