eclipse for chrome?

Eclipse is not coming for Chrome OS. You need a JVM to run it and one of the compatible desktops for the UI widgets. So you would have to escape from Chrome OS desktop into base Linux and somehow launch a regular Linux desktop (like GTK) to have any hope of running Eclipse. Also, a typical chromebook is far too underpowered to run a full IDE.

Here are some options to consider:

  1. Project Orion – A web based IDE from many of the same people who develop Eclipse. One of the goals is to enable Eclipse-like capabilities for platforms like iOS, Android, Chrome OS, etc. It has quite a few base IDE capabilities already, but not a lot of plugins just yet. Probably not going to see something as sophisticated as ADT for a while if ever. Google would have to implement Android emulators in JavaScript. Not an easy task.
  2. Run Eclipse on another machine and use a remote desktop from your chromebook.
  3. Run Eclipse Che on another machine or cloud server and use Chrome

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