Edit the markup of categories list

List of possibilities

You got exactly two options to alter the output of wp_list_categories()

  1. Use a filter after the MarkUp was generated and re-format it:

    add_filter( 'wp_list_categories', 'wpse88292_reformat_list_cats', 10, 2 );
    function wpse88292_reformat_list_cats( $output, $args )
        // Reformat `$output` here
        // You can use `$args` to only this when condition X == Y
        return $output;
  2. Use a custom walker

    class Walker_Reformated_Category extends Walker_Category
        static $counter = 0;
        function start_el( &$output, $category, $depth, $args )
            if ( 'list' != $args['style'] )
            // Count up before doing anything
            // Do additional formatting of `$output`in here
            // It's passed by reference(!)
            if ( 0 === self::$counter %2 )
                $output = "<div class="class-{$counter}">{$output}";
        function end_el( &$output, $page, $depth, $args )
            if ( 'list' != $args['style'] )
            // Do additional formatting of `$output`in here
            // It's passed by reference(!)
            // Don't count at the end of the el!
            if ( 0 === self::$counter %2 )
                $output = "{$output}</div>";
    # Call the categories list with your walker
    wp_list_categories( array(
        // ... some args
        'walker' => new Walker_Reformated_Category()
        // ... even more args
    ) );