Error when posting comment form: The error is TypeError: e[h] is not a function

I found the solution to my problem. When I searched for the answer I first encountered a solution which stated that it was a problem with the id of the form. I changed that by changing the id to something else:

comment_form(array('id_submit' => 'submitform'));

But that still didn’t work. In the end it was because the name attribute was ‘submit’ also. The one problem is, that this attribute can not be changed like the id.

In the end I just made a small wrapper for the comment_form function, buffered the output and did a string replace:

 * The following two functions are there to change the submit button name of the form. Otherwise jQuery dies.
function sg_comment_form() {

function sg_change_submit_name($buffer) {
        return str_replace("name=\"submit","name=\"submit_sg",$buffer);

This fixed my problem.