How to retrieve WP_Object that is inside an array of another array

You are trying to access an object inside an array. To retrieve the data from term_id, you can use:


Notice that the first 3 steps are arrays, and then there is a WP_Object, which has an array inside.

Breaking Down the Code

$value                          - returns the entire array
$value[0]                       - returns the first element of the array
$value[0]['tax']                - returns the `tax` element and all of its contents
$value[0]['tax'][0]             - returns the first element of `tax`
$value[0]['tax'][0]->term_id    - points to the term id inside the above


You don’t need to use json_encode or json_decode. Simply use a foreach to output the content:

foreach( $results as $key => $value) {
    echo $value['tax']->term_id;

You might also want to use $value['tax'][0]->term_id if there are multiple terms inside the tax.