Fetch_Feed cURL error 28

Maybe it’s just us, but it seems like you need to set a user agent other than the default which is stored in the SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT constant, and with fetch_feed(), you can use the wp_feed_options hook to set a custom user agent — or none also worked for me.

Working example:

add_action( 'wp_feed_options', function ( $feed ) {
    $feed->set_useragent( 'MyPlugin/1.0' );              // works
    $feed->set_useragent( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ); // works
    $feed->set_useragent( '' );                          // empty; worked for me..

    // You can also try increasing the timeout, but the default one (10 seconds)
    // worked fine for me.
    $feed->set_timeout( 15 );
} );