Get data from PHP to JavaScript to set position of each post on front page

You could output them as inline CSS custom properties instead of left/top, and then use those to set the position in either CSS or Javascript.


<a class="project" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" style="—-x-position: <?php the_field('x'); ?>; —-y-position: <?php the_field('y'); ?>;'">
    <p><?php the_field("title"); ?></p>


.project {
    top: var(—-x-position);
    left: var(—-y-position);

    /* or CSS grid: */
    grid-row-start: var(—-x-position);
    grid-column-start: var(—-y-position);

They’re also accessible in JS, if you need them:

var x_position ="--x- position");

This will be much more manageable for responsive design since you won’t have to override inline styles with !important, but inputting such specific x/y values is generally a bad idea and you’re probably better off not intermingling presentation quite so directly with your data.