Get first URL from post content

I think this question might put you in the right direction.

In case that link is broken, here’s the answer as provided by Jon Fabry in that thread.

$post_link = get_the_permalink();
if ( preg_match('/<a (.+?)>/', get_the_content(), $match) ) {
    $link = array();
    foreach ( wp_kses_hair($match[1], array('http')) as $attr) {
        $link[$attr['name']] = $attr['value'];
    $post_link = $link['href'];

This would grab EACH link provided within the content. You can add a counter or a true false condition to just snag the first one.

So the final code would be something like

$post_link = get_the_permalink();
$first = true;
        if ( preg_match('/<a (.+?)>/', get_the_content(), $match) ) {
                $link = array();
                foreach ( wp_kses_hair($match[1], array('http')) as $attr) {
                if ( $first ) {
                        $link[$attr['name']] = $attr['value'];
                        $first = false;

                } else {
                // ignore it
        $post_link = $link['href'];