Getting post meta in the flex slider

It’s a bit tricky to provide the solution that would work for you without full HTML. I’ve checked the linked page, but there’s no pagination there (I’ve searched for flex-control-nav that you mentioned and didn’t find it). So my solution comes from the code that you provided and from the HTML that I’ve seen on your page.

If I got you right then you just need to add a variable inside your loop and replace j with this variable. Here’s the code:

setupPaging: function() {
    var type = (slider.vars.controlNav === "thumbnails") ? 'control-thumbs' : 'control-paging',
    j = 1,
    slider.controlNavScaffold = $('<ol class="'+ namespace + 'control-nav ' + namespace + type + '"></ol>');

    if (slider.pagingCount > 1) {
        for (var i = 0; i < slider.pagingCount; i++) {
            slide = slider.slides.eq(i);
            if ( undefined === slide.attr( 'data-thumb-alt' ) ) { slide.attr( 'data-thumb-alt', '' ); }
            var altText = ( '' !== slide.attr( 'data-thumb-alt' ) ) ? altText=" alt="" + slide.attr( 'data-thumb-alt' ) + '"' : '',
                slideTitle = jQuery('#genesis-responsive-slider .slider-post-title').eq(j).data('title');

            item = (slider.vars.controlNav === "thumbnails") ? '<img src="' + slide.attr( 'data-thumb' ) + '"' + altText + '/>' : '<a href="#">' + slideTitle + '</a>';
            if ( 'thumbnails' === slider.vars.controlNav && true === slider.vars.thumbCaptions ) {
                var captn = slide.attr( 'data-thumbcaption' );
                if ( '' !== captn && undefined !== captn ) { item += '<span class="' + namespace + 'caption">' + captn + '</span>'; }
            slider.controlNavScaffold.append('<li>' + item + '</li>');

I tried too keep “on the safe side”, so feel free to replace jQuery with $ if it doesn’t cause conflicts. Also slideTitle definition might work like this:

slideTitle = slide.eq(j).find('h2.slider-post-title').data('title');

But since the definition of slider and slides isn’t provided I’m not sure that it would work.

Please let me know about the result in a comment and I’d try to improve the answer if needed.