git pull remote branch cannot find remote ref

Be careful – you have case mixing between local and remote branch!

Suppose you are in local branch downloadmanager now (git checkout downloadmanager)

You have next options:

  1. Specify remote branch in pull/push commands every time (case sensitive):git pull origin DownloadManagerorgit pull origin downloadmanager:DownloadManager

  1. Specify tracking branch on next push:git push -u origin DownloadManager(-u is a short form of –set-upstream)this will persist downloadmanager:DownloadManager link in config automatically (same result, as the next step).

  1. Set in git config default remote tracking branch:git branch -u downloadmanager origin/DownloadManager(note, since git 1.8 for branch command -u is a short form of –set-upstream-to, which is a bit different from deprecated –set-upstream)or edit config manually (I prefer this way):git config --local -e-> This will open editor. Add block below (guess, after “master” block):[branch "downloadmanager"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/DownloadManager

and after any of those steps you can use easily:

git pull

If you use TortoiseGit: RightClick on repo -> TortoiseGit -> Settings -> Git -> Edit local .git/confi

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