Highlight Current Tag in wp_tag_cloud

When you are in a tag template, a body class is added with term-{termID}, so you can hook in “wp_generate_tag_cloud_data” to check if class is present and add custom class to the tag 😉

 function tribalpixel_tag_cloud_class_active($tags_data) {

        $body_class = get_body_class();

        foreach ($tags_data as $key => $tag) {
            if(in_array('term-'.$tag['id'], $body_class)) {
                $tags_data[$key]['class'] =  $tags_data[$key]['class'] ." active-tag";
        return $tags_data;

    add_filter('wp_generate_tag_cloud_data', 'tribalpixel_tag_cloud_class_active');

after that you simply use CSS to style 😉