How do I detach images from posts?

If you view the Media Library in the list mode:


then you will see the Attach/Detach links for each attachment.

Each attachment can only be attached to a single parent through the post_parent field in the wp_posst table.

Deleting an image from the post editor will not change the post_parent field to 0.

Making life a little bit easier!

It would be nice to be able to do it within the Media View popup, when editing a post, since it can take a long time to find it within the media library.

Custom link

First we construct a custom Backbone micro template, that we will add to the Attachment Details view:

<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-wpse-open-in-library">
    <div class="wpse-open-in-library">
        <a href="<?php echo admin_url("upload.php?mode=list&p=');?>{{ }}" target="_blank">
             <?php _e( 'Open in Media Library' ); ?>

where {{ }} is the current attachment’s ID.

This is how we insert it after the Delete Attachment link:

         id: attachment.get( 'id' )  // <-- This is how we can fetch the current ID 

where we pass the id variable to our custom micro template.

Note that we can view all the attached files by selecting the following option:

attached files

Demo plugin

Here’s the whole demo plugin:

 * Open an attachment in the Media Library, to be able to attach/detach it
 * @link
add_action( 'print_media_templates', function()
{ ?>

  <!-- Custom template part -->
  <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-wpse-open-in-library">
        <div class="wpse-open-in-library">
            <a href="<?php echo admin_url("upload.php?mode=list&p=');?>{{ }}" target="_blank">
                <?php _e( 'Open in Media Library' ); ?>

  <!-- Extend the Attachment Details View -->
      jQuery(document).ready( function( $ ) 
              render: function() 
         this, arguments );
                  var attachment = this.options.attachment;
                            id: attachment.get( 'id' ) 

                return this;
      } );
    } );
} );

This answer by @kalimah-apps and the answers here by @bonger and @Fabien Quatravaux, were of great help construction this demo plugin.

Then the next step would be to add the Detach link, to make it even easier 😉

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