If you have already found the filter inside the comment_form
function, you are quite close. There is a filter called comment_form_default_fields
which allows you to add extra input fields to the array of fields, which normally holds name, mail address and url. You use it like this (in your theme’s functions.php
add_filter ('comment_form_default_fields','wpse270550_add_field');
function wpse270550_add_field ($fields) {
$fields['your_field'] = '<p><label for="your_field">Your Label</label><input id="your_field_id" name="your_field" type="text" value="" size="30"/></p>';
return $fields;
The only thing you have to if you want to add this field only to comment forms of a certain CPT is to add a conditional:
add_filter ('comment_form_default_fields','wpse270550_add_field', 10, 1);
function wpse270550_add_field ($fields) {
if ('your_cpt' == get_post_type())
$fields['your_field'] = '<p><label for="your_field">Your Label</label><input id="your_field_id" name="your_field" type="text" value="" size="30"/></p>';
return $fields;
Beware that the above only adds the field in the form on the user end. You will also want the field to be stored in the database once it is submitted. For this you will have to hook into the comment_post
action like this:
add_action ('comment_post', 'wpse270550_add_comment_meta_value', 10, 1);
function wpse270550_add_comment_meta_value ($comment_id) {
if(isset($_POST['your_field'])) {
// sanitize data
$your_field = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_POST['your_field']);
// store data
add_comment_meta ($comment_id, 'your_field', $your_field, false);