How to Add Super Admin for WordPress multi-site

More information for how to manage user manually

Manage This settings

 if ( $newpassword != ' ' && $newemail != ' ' && $newusername !=' '  ) {

         if ( !username_exists($newusername) && !email_exists($newemail) ) {

               $user_id = wp_create_user( $newusername, $newpassword, $newemail);
               if ( is_int($user_id) ) {
                       $wp_user_object = new WP_User($user_id);

                       grant_super_admin($user_id); // Grants Super Admin privileges. 

                       echo 'Successfully created new admin user.';
       } else {
                    echo 'Error with wp_insert_user. No users were created.';
      } else {
              echo 'This user or email already exists. Nothing was done.';
 } else {
           echo "Whoops, looks like you didn't set a password, username, or 
     email before running the script. Set these variables and try again.";