How to control which category will be picked for the slug of a post?

WordPress picks the lowest ID as its main permalink. However, ALL categories will contain your post automatically. Meaning both these:

…will return your post (given that post-A is in both category-A and category-B) via a redirect. It can’t list them all to you on the Edit page, sorry. But it will make sure they’re available in all categories.

Of course, get_permalink will return the wrong one for you.

Now as for overriding the behavior, look at:, specifically a little lower on line 121. It’s going to use $cats[0]->slug after sorting by ID. Which does not appear to be hookable in any way inside there, so either higher or lower.

This is a ticket that was going to change the way it worked it’s marked for Future Release, though. Subscribe to the ticket to show your interest, maybe it makes it into WordPress 3.5 later this year.

The pre_post_link filter will allow you to override the permalink. post_link, too.

Alternatively, get_the_category, should allow you to hack the IDs for a post (or remove the others to leave only one), but this should only occur when the permalink is requested.

add_filter( 'pre_post_link', function( $permalink, $post ) {

     if ( strpos($permalink, '%category%') === false )
         return; /* not interested */
     add_filter( 'get_the_categories', 'wpse46860_prune_categories' );
     return $permalink;

}, null, 2 );

function wpse46860_prune_categories( $categories ) {

    /* run once */
    remove_filter( 'get_the_categories', 'wpse46860_prune_categories' );

    /* .. prune the categories to leave the one you need .. */
    global $_hijack_post_id;

    return $categories;


This is a hack.

An additional difficulty is to get the post_ID to prune the categories against, the get_the_categories filter does not pass the post_ID to us; use a global (dirty) or a class property (clean).

You can try out different permalink plugins like:

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