You can use the filter pre_get_posts to manipulate the global WP_Query Object to apply your filters.
If your filters add a URL parameter, you can manipulate the query and adjust it to your liking.
Here is an example. You still have to adjust the taxonomy and post type to make it work for you.
<?php // functions.php
* Modifies the query in a Post Type Archive and defines the taxonomy for hair color.
* @param WP_Query $query The global WP_Query Object.
* @return WP_Query
function my_custom_query( $query ) {
* Here we tell WordPress that we want to adjust the query when we
* are not in the admin area and only on the post type archive for girls.
if ( ! is_admin() && is_post_type_archive( 'girl' ) ) {
* Here we check whether a query parameter hair_color is available and then
* apply it. To do this, we change the taxonomy of the current query.
if ( isset( $_GET['hair_color'] ) && '' !== $_GET['hair_color'] ) {
$hair_color = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['hair_color'] ) );
* Here we define the term hair_color for the taxonomy hair_colors.
$hair_taxonomy = [
'taxonomy' => 'hair_colors',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $hair_color,
$query->set( 'tax_query', $hair_taxonomy );
* Here we return the manipulated query.
return $query;
* Here our manipulated query is transferred to WordPress.
add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_custom_query' );