Widget where it can make changes to the container

I would not recommend that. Much easier to use a clearfix hack to force clearing and just add that style to your widget. Clearfix hacks are transparent: it doesn’t matter if they happen on all elements there is no visible difference, other than clear floats.

Somewhere in your themes style.css:

.widget:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table;

.widget:after {
    clear: both;

.widget {
    *zoom: 1;

You can, of course, put that anywhere. You could hook into wp_head or wp_footer and spit out a custom style tag just for that. Or you could be more specific. For instance if you’re registering a custom widget, you could add a clearfix hack to that specifically by classname.

Alternatively, if you really want to just add a clear div to a certain widget, you can hook into dynamic_sidebar_params. Your hooked function will receive a single argument: an array of sidebar params — including before_widget and after_widget and widget_name which will be the second argument you passed to parent::__construct when you register the widget. Something like this:

add_filter('dynamic_sidebar_params', 'wpse90953_sidebar_params');
function wpse90953_sidebar_params($widget_params)
    if (!empty($widget_params['widget_name']) && 'your_widget_name' === $widget_params['widget_name']) {
        $widget_params['before_widget'] = '<div style="clear:both"></div>' . $widget_params['before_widget'];

    return $widget_params;