How to echo a dynamic url

There are two workarounds:

If the first line you’re mentioning is inside a void function:

You have to create a wrapper function and use ob_ functions to get the real link:

function echo_link($post, $landing_page) {
    global $myfy;
    echo $myfy->get_retrieve_cart_url( $post->ID, $landing_page );
function get_link($post, $landing_page){
    echo_link($post, $landing_page);
    return ob_get_clean();

// And finally in your result:
echo "a href="" . get_link($post, $landing_page) . "">.get_title()";

If the first line you’re mentioning is not inside a void function or you can simply duplicate it without concerning about the future changes:

$link = $myfy->get_retrieve_cart_url( $post->ID, $landing_page );
echo "a href="" . $link . "">.get_title()";

By the way, You might forget about those dots (.) while trying to concatenate your strings.