How to get the title of the item that is clicked on

Well, if you are intent on collecting the title of a post and inserting it into a hidden field, then you could use Javascript to easily grab the info. I enjoy using jQuery, so here is something you could do:

1) place the Title into a data attribute on the element that you want the user to click on.

<div class="event-name">
     <p data-title="<?php the_title() ;?>"><?php the_title() ;?></p>

2) Now add a click event to the element:


jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
    (function ($) { 

        $('.event-name p').on( 'click', function(){
            var title = this.getAttribute('data-title');



3) If you need to force the user to click on a title before being allowed to hit the ‘Send’ button, I can throw you a quick snippet for that to; just respond in the comments.