How to go to tag archives using a form

To understand how to do it you first need to know how the url query works or more specifically what query vars you need, so:

  • 'post_type' – to filter by post
  • 'area' – to filter by area
  • 'university' – to filter by
    university taxonomy.

so your url would look like:


Now that we know we create the form with the needed fields:

function display_area_university_filter_form(){
<form method="post" action="">
    <p><label for="area_t">Area: </label> <select name="area_t"><option value="">Select Area:</option>
        $area_terms =  get_categories('taxonomy=area'); 
        if (isset($_POST['area_t'])){
            foreach ($area_terms as $term) {
                $option = '<option value="'.$term->slug.'"';
                if ($_POST['area_t'] == $term->slug){
                    $option.= ' selected="selected"';
                $option .= '>'.$term->name;
                $option .= '</option>';
                echo $option;
            foreach ($area_terms as $term) {
                $option = '<option value="'.$term->slug.'"';
                $option .= '>'.$term->name;
                $option .= '</option>';
                echo $option;
    <p><label for="area_t">University: </label> <select name="area_t"><option value="">Select University:</option>
        $uni_terms =  get_categories('taxonomy=university'); 
        if (isset($_POST['univer'])){
            foreach ($uni_terms as $term) {
                $option = '<option value="'.$term->slug.'"';
                if ($_POST['univer'] == $term->slug){
                    $option.= ' selected="selected"';
                $option .= '>'.$term->name;
                $option .= '</option>';
                echo $option;
            foreach ($uni_terms as $term) {
                $option = '<option value="'.$term->slug.'"';
                $option .= '>'.$term->name;
                $option .= '</option>';
                echo $option;
    <input type="hidden" name="custom_filter" value="area_uni">
    <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></p>
<?php }

then all that is left is just processing it:

if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['custom_filter']) && $_POST['custom_filter'] == "area_uni"){
    $url =  get_bloginfo('url');
    $area = $uni = '';
    if (isset($_POST['area_t'])){
    if (isset($_POST['univer'])){
        $uni = '&university='.$_POST['univer'];

    $url .= '/?post_type=properties'.$area.$uni;

    wp_redirect( $url );