How to have different captions for same image, for galleries?

Say you have image foo.jpg and bar.jpg in your media library.
foo.jpg has caption saying “foo”, and bar.jpg has caption saying “bar”.

Create a gallery with those two images, they will show with “foo” and “bar” captions.

Want to use them again with a different caption, but using a gallery? No problem. Make another gallery and add the two images, changing their gallery captions to say “abc” and “def”.

Now, the caption of foo.jpg will be changed to “abc”. But it will still show “foo” in the first gallery where it was inserted with that caption.

At least that’s how it works on my test site. Newest WordPress with Gutenberg “enabled”.

And the same goes for single images – caption is changed, but the caption used on a page/post remains the way it had been initially set.

I could include the links, but think it’s not needed – you can easily test it yourself.

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