Try wp_terms_checklist()
/ wp_category_checklist
. It will output a list of checkboxes named post_category
You might need to include the source file too, because it’s defined within administration files.
Or use a custom walker:
class MyCategoryWalker extends Walker_Category{
public function start_el(&$output, $term, $depth, $args){
$args = wp_parse_args(array(
'name' => 'my_category_input',
'checked' => array(),
), $args);
$checked = checked(in_array($term->term_id, $checked));
ob_start(); ?>
<input type="checkbox" <?php $checked; ?> id="category-<?php print $term->term_id; ?>" name="<?php print $name; ?>[]" value="<?php print $term->term_id; ?>" />
<label for="category-<?php print $term->term_id; ?>">
<?php print esc_attr($term->name); ?>
<?php // closing LI is added inside end_el
$output .= ob_get_clean();
Use it like:
'walker' => new MyCategoryWalker(),
'name' => 'my_category_input', // name of the input
'selected' => array(2, 5, 10), // checked items (category IDs)