The dashboard_glance_items
filter is only useful for modifying the extra elements. The posts/comments data elements have already been displayed.
Here are three ideas:
Method #1 – Use the dashboard_glance_items
You can use the following filter setup, to remove the posts/pages/comments elements from the output of wp_dashboard_right_now()
The trick is simple, foul WordPress to think there are no posts/comments/pages.
Here’s one implementation (I’m sure I can refine this further):
add_action( 'do_meta_boxes', 'custom_do_meta_boxes', 99, 2 );
function custom_do_meta_boxes( $screen, $place )
if( 'dashboard' === $screen && 'normal' === $place )
add_filter( 'wp_count_posts', 'custom_wp_count_posts' );
add_filter( 'wp_count_comments', 'custom_wp_count_comments' );
function custom_wp_count_posts( $stats )
static $filter_posts = 0;
if( 1 === $filter_posts )
remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
return null;
function custom_wp_count_comments( $stats )
static $filter_comments = 0;
if( 1 === $filter_comments )
remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
return array( 'total_comments' => 0 );
Then you can add the posts/pages/comments elements again via the dashboard_glance_items
Method #2 – Reuse the wp_dashboard_right_now()
Here’s one hack, where we remove the current Right Now widget and add another Custom Right Now widget:
* Replace the 'Right Now' dashboard widget with our own.
// Remove the current 'Right Now' dashboard widget:
// Add our 'Custom Right Now' dashboard widget:
__( 'Custom Right Now' ),
where our simple demo callback is:
function custom_wp_dashboard_right_now()
// Let wp_dashboard_right_now() do all the hard work:
$html = ob_get_contents();
// Modify the output.
// Simple example where all links are stripped out:
echo strip_tags( $html, '<p><div><span><ul><ol><li>' );
Here we use the output buffering to catch the content from wp_dashboard_right_now()
and then replace all the links from it.
This is just a simple example. You might need to use preg_replace()
to target only the posts/comments items.
You could also pick up the relevant parts from the wp_dashboard_right_now()
core function to use in the custom_wp_dashboard_right_now()
Method #3 – CSS/Javascript
We could also modify these links via CSS/Javascript. But I leave the implementation to you 😉
I hope you can modify this to your needs.