How to modify the attachment info text on gallery tab or media page?

Add this to functions.php file.

  function image_attachment_field($form_fields, $post) {  
if( substr($post->post_mime_type, 0, 5) == 'image' ){  
    $user = new WP_User( $post->post_author );
    $form_fields["author"]["input"] = "html"; 
    $form_fields["author"]["html"] = '<p><strong>Author:</strong> '.$user->display_name.'</p>';
    $form_fields["license"]["input"] = "html"; 
    $form_fields["license"]["html"] = '<p><strong>License:</strong> GPL</p>';
    $form_fields["source"]["input"] = "html"; 
    $form_fields["source"]["html"] = '<p><strong>Source:</strong> BNS</p>';

    return $form_fields;  

add_filter("attachment_fields_to_edit", "image_attachment_field", null, 2); 

This will ONLY add info, cause you did not said you want user be able to edit it. So you have to edit this code to asign values.

Also there is no easy way of putting these labels in top. So don’t ask me how, it just did not possible to do without editing WP code or adding javascript to change possitions of elements, but this also is not very wise.