Moving wp from a server to another, with different administrator

The easiest way around this is probably to reset the Admin password on the old Database. If you have PHPMyAdmin or a very similar DB admin interface, do the following:

  1. Import the old database.
  2. Open the user’s table, usually called ‘wp_users’.
  3. Find the user you wish to change the password for, and replace the contents of the ‘user_pass’ field with a plain text password. i.e “mypassword”.
  4. IMPORTANT: WordPress expects the password to be hashed as MD5. So before saving the record, set the ‘Function’ dropdown to ‘MD5’. See screenshot:

enter image description here

  1. Save the record and try to login.

If you don’t have PHPMyAdmin or similar and want to set the password manually in a SQL dump file, you can generate an MD5 hash of a plain text password in several ways:

  1. If you’re on Mac/Linux, do the following in terminal:
    openssl md5 <<< mypassword

  2. You can use an online generator