How to prevent double execution of do_action statements

To check if someone already hooked into myhook1

if( 0 >= did_action( 'myhook1' ) )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

If you want to check if the function myfunction1 was already called (maybe by a simple function call), you have to set a ‘marker’

function myfunction1 ( $some_args ) {

// with a simple global define (a bad solution)
  define( 'MYFUNCTION1_DONE', TRUE );

// or with the globals array (also a bad solution)

  $myfunction_calls = isset( $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] ) ?
    $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] : array();
  if( ! is_array( $myfunction_calls ) )
    $myfunction_calls = array();

  $myfunction_calls[__FUNCTION__] = TRUE;
  $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] = $myfunction_calls;

// or with database
// you have to reset the database entry everytime the script ends
// this is can be done by add_action( 'shutdown', 'reset_myfunctioncalls_db_entry' );
// or in a class with a __destruct() method
  $myfunction_calls = get_option( 'myfunction_calls', TRUE );
  if( ! is_array( $myfunction_calls ) )
    $myfunction_calls = array();

  $myfunction_calls[__FUNCTION__] = TRUE;
  upodate_option( 'myfunction_calls', $myfunctions );

[... some other code ...]

Before you call do_action(), you can check if the function was already called

if( ! defined( 'MYFUNCTION1_DONE' ) || TRUE !== MYFUNCTION1_DONE )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

// or
$myfunction_calls = isset( $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] ) ?
  $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] : array();

if( ! isset( $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] ) || TRUE !== $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

// or
$myfunction_calls = get_option( 'myfunction_calls', TRUE );

if( ! isset( $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] ) || TRUE !== $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );