Hook before inserting user into database [duplicate]

If you examine the wp_insert_user() function, you can see there are a myriad of filters and actions that are called throughout the process. The first is a filter called pre_user_login on the username.

Line 1304 of wp-includes/user.php:

$user_login = apply_filters('pre_user_login', $user_login);

You could hook onto that and throw your own custom error message.

Edit: The email filter is just a few lines below that.

Second Edit: Added example

add_filter( 'pre_user_login' , 'my_username_block' );

function my_username_block( $user_login ) {

    $black_listed = array( 0 => 'satan' , 1 => 'hitler' );
    if( in_array( strtolower( $user_login ) , $black_listed ) ) {
        wp_die('That username is blacklisted');
    return $user_login;

add_filter( 'pre_user_email' , 'my_email_block' );

function my_email_block( $user_email ) {

    $black_listed_emails = array( 0 => '[email protected]' , '[email protected]' );
    if( in_array( strtolower( $user_email ) , $black_listed_emails ) ) {
        wp_die('That email address is blacklisted');
    return $user_email;

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