How to redirect action=register link on the lostpassword page to a different link?

Hook into login_form_register and throw people to your registration page with wp_redirect.

add_action( 'login_form_register', 'wpse45134_catch_register' );
 * Redirects visitors to `wp-login.php?action=register` to 
 * ``
function wpse45134_catch_register()
    wp_redirect( home_url( '/register' ) );
    exit(); // always call `exit()` after `wp_redirect`

You can also hide the “register” link on that page by hijacking the user_can_register option on the login page. Hook into login_form_lostpassword and login_form_retrievepassword, from there add a filter to pre_option_users_can_register.

add_action( 'login_form_lostpassword', 'wpse45134_filter_option' );
add_action( 'login_form_retrievepassword', 'wpse45134_filter_option' );
 * Simple wrapper around a call to add_filter to make sure we only
 * filter an option on the login page.
function wpse45134_filter_option()
    // use __return_zero because pre_option_{$opt} checks
    // against `false`
    add_filter( 'pre_option_users_can_register', '__return_zero' );

As a plugin.