Theme Customizer – Dynamic CSS PHP File

@s_ha_dum is right, the ajax plugin api is the way to go.
I ran into this issue myself with a dynamic js file I was generating a little while ago.

Basically you would enqueue your style as follows:


Then create a function to load your dynamic css file:

function dynaminc_css() {

And add the ajax actions:

add_action('wp_ajax_dynamic_css', 'dynaminc_css');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_dynamic_css', 'dynaminc_css');

where wp_ajax_* will fire the named function and have access to all fundamental wp functions
For the front; end wp_ajax_nopriv_* executes non logged in visitors

Note that I’ve found the add_action('wp_ajax_custom_function', 'custom_function'), if in a plugin, must be in the plugin’s base activation file else it will be ignored. There is terse note about it in the action reference doc. EDIT: I just tested this again, and cant repeat it. Apparently there is no such restriction.

This explanation is an expanded version of this codex forum post: