Attach parent category template to all subcategories

The main takeaway from that code you linked to is using the category_template filter to modify the template that WordPress will use when a user is viewing a child category of the lumber category. I put this together for you as it’s a bit simpler when you’re only working with the one template:

// add this filter to your themes functions.php file
add_filter('category_template', 'yourprefix_use_lumber_category_template_for_child_categories');

function yourprefix_use_lumber_category_template_for_child_categories( $template ) {

    // get the current category object
    $category = get_queried_object();

    // if current category has lumber category(assuming lumber category id == 7) as its parent...
    if( $category->parent == 7 ) {

        // ...then find the named category-lumber.php template in theme, and replace whatever default $template is found by WordPress...
        $template = locate_template('category-lumber.php');

        // ...finally return the lumber category template file
        return $template;

    else {

    // ...the current category has no lumber category as parent, so just return default $template file found by WordPress
    return $template;

