Website Migration (with https) to a new domain(http)

The values in wp_options should match exactly the URL you want to use to access the site.

Without any specific configuration to do it, WordPress doesn’t care if it’s https or http as long as the settings match how you access the site.

So you should change it to http until you get your SSL on your new site, and then change all the settings to https once https is working on your new site.


As per @TomJNowell’s comment, this is not a great situation to be in because WordPress may still have URL’s that contain the ‘old’ https value fixed in post content, so these will not work until you get your https working.

You can change those back to http if you want. How to do this is documented many places online, for example there are some sensible instructions here, but it does seem much easier just to get https working rather than do all that work twice.