Insert wp_editor on front-end with AJAX?

So, after doing some more digging, I answered my own question by “connecting the dots”, so to speak. There’s a lot of bits and pieces of info on this topic on StackOverflow and StackExchange, but none of them really answered my question.

So here is the full working code to loading a wp_editor instance with AJAX on the front-end, including the settings provided to wp_editor.

I think there might be an even better solution, as right now, I’m having to call wp_print_footer_scripts(), which might add some unnessacary stuff, but doesn’t (in my case).


function insert_wp_editor_callback() {

    // Define the editor settings
    $editor_id = 'frontend_wp_editor';

    $settings = array(
        'media_buttons' => false,
        'textarea_rows' => 1,
        'quicktags' => false,

        'tinymce' => array(         
            'toolbar1' => 'bold,italic,undo,redo',
            'statusbar' => false,
            'resize' => 'both',
            'paste_as_text' => true

    // Grab content to put inside a variable

    // Create the editor
    wp_editor($content, $editor_id, $settings); 

    // Adding the required scripts, styles, and wp_editor configuration

    $html .=  ob_get_contents();


    // Send everything to JavaScript function


} add_action( 'wp_ajax_insert_wp_editor_callback', 'insert_wp_editor_callback' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_insert_wp_editor_callback', 'insert_wp_editor_callback' );